How to choose the best animation and VFX institute in Bangalore with placement assistance

Visual effects (VFX) are the integration of special effects and digital effects using computer imagery. It is a fascinating field where creativity is the most important skill
needed, complimented with technical knowledge. VFX has enabled filmmakers and scriptwriters to dream beyond the conventional infrastructure to enthral audiences to a
spectacular experience. In other words it is a dream comes true for most creative artists. Since VFX is no longer limited to superhero movies and is seen everywhere, it has become a lucrative career option with the widening market. Since this field does not require the conventional degrees but only artistic abilities and creativity, it is an advantage for students who have learning issues with complex subjects like math or science. Parents and students alike have realised the career options and scope of this industry and are very enthusiastic to accept this as a profession.

But creativity must be augmented with the required skill sets and hence choosing the right training institute is a very important.

It is relevant to keep some key factors in mind while choosing an institute.

The legacy: It is very important to choose a well-established, renowned and genuine institute. Choose an institute that imparts innovative and industry oriented training.

Showcasing skill sets: The media & entertainment industry doesn’t care about qualifications; it looks for proof of work. A good institute must have ample proofs of their
alumni’s work. It helps ascertain the standards of the students and thereby the institute. It will also depict the opportunities provided by the institute.

Reputation: The number of years an institute has been in existence and its alumni, can give an idea about the quality of an institute.

Training approach: Careers in all creative fields require practical training and hence it is important that the institute gives hands on training with the latest technology like VFX, gaming, augmented reality, virtual reality, and multimedia. A dedicated faculty of experienced industry experts can train a student from conceptualization to completion. Their expertise helps develop the creative streak in a student.

With technical knowledge a good institute will mentor a student in soft skills, communication and presentation skills.

Keeping abreast with technology: In the era of eBooks and videos, learning material should be easily accessible, like having a dedicated app.

Infrastructure: The institute must also have facilities like the green screen room, practice labs & high end computers to get a better exposure to a complete project deployment.

Job placement: A good institute must have a dedicated placement cell providing placement assistance to students. They would also have ample proofs of their alumnis being placed in good organisations. It acts as the link between opportunities and students. A visit to the institute is preferable instead of going by hearsay.

There are many openings like Concept Artist, Art director, Layout artist, Storyboard artist, Character modeller, BG modeller, Texturing artist, Animator, Technical director, VFX artist, Architectural designer, Comic book artist and many more.



Address: #27,1st floor, 1st main,, Dr. Rajkumar Road, 4th N Block, Rajaji Nagar, Bengaluru, 560010

Phone: 095352 80019
